Career Bites #02: Knowledge Capital
Jobs pay in two currencies – cash and knowledge capital. Develop knowledge you can take with you, don’t just master the firm’s way.
You will learn more about yourself through your coursework, internships, jobs, and extracurricular activities, so use that information to decide what matters to you. Try this quick exercise at the end of each quarter.
If you do this periodically, you will soon have a clear picture of the kind of work you want to do, and that will make it easier to define your natural strengths, career goals, and then choose the next role, job, or project that really excites you!
Here are some answers my clients have come up with. Food for thought as you ponder what matters to you!
Jobs pay in two currencies – cash and knowledge capital. Develop knowledge you can take with you, don’t just master the firm’s way.
Being a longterm visionary is a cure for Short Term Myopia and Option Paralysis. Try this quick exercise to help steer your career.
You won’t reach your highest goals overnight. To get there fast, maximize your current options and enjoy the ride. Be a Short Term Pragmatist.