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Confident Humility: Key to Successful Interviews

Confident humility is required to live a full and happy life. It’s a founding principle for Berkeley Haas and Google seeks in its employees.

Career Bites #01: Explore Preferences

Explore preferences; decide what you like and what matters to you. If you don’t know what you want, it’s hard to make confident choices.

Career Bites #02: Knowledge Capital

Jobs pay in two currencies – cash and knowledge capital. Develop knowledge you can take with you, don’t just master the firm’s way.

Career Bites #04: Be a Risk Taker

Are you a Risk-Taker? Would you call yourself brave? You need to be if you want a fulfilling career. Here’s why and how to cultivate courage.

Career Bites #06: Get Mentors

Mentorship is part of how we grow. Mentors are people whose wisdom makes your journey easier. You can’t achieve full potential without them.

Career Bites #08: Build Your Resume

Learn how to build your resume through expanded impact and measurable results. Follow these tips to make it easy to impress with your resume.

Career Bites #09: Be of Service

Want to have more impact in your career? It’s easy. Just ask yourself this one question: How can I be of service?

Career Bites #10: Be a Longterm Visionary

Being a longterm visionary is a cure for Short Term Myopia and Option Paralysis. Try this quick exercise to help steer your career.

Career Bites #11: Be a Short Term Pragmatist

You won’t reach your highest goals overnight. To get there fast, maximize your current options and enjoy the ride. Be a Short Term Pragmatist.